Are You Ready to Lead in the 21st Century?

Project OTY Blog

5 Time Management Tips to Manage Your Life

5 Time Management Tips to Manage Your Life

Trying to manage everything in our day-to-day lives is one of the biggest, dynamic balancing acts we confront. Whether you're starting a business, a working parent, managing a major entry into your career while in school, or balancing any number of key roles, you know...

How To Set Powerful Visions For Your Future

How To Set Powerful Visions For Your Future

Creating a vision isn't just for large corporations. Regardless of what you might think, sitting down and identifying your vision is some of the most valuable time that you can spend in deep thought. Why You Need a Vision Setting a vision, or multiple visions, is how...

How to Face Your Fears and Embrace Success

How to Face Your Fears and Embrace Success

You're only human. Every human on this planet experiences fears. Everyone has their own specific fears. In order to go step out of your current reality and embrace success, you'll likely have to face your unique fears along the way. Facing your fear is not easy - so...

Brilliant Advice on Life from a 12-Year-Old

Brilliant Advice on Life from a 12-Year-Old

We asked a 12-year old girl headed into middle school a couple questions about life. Here at Project OTY, we are all about guiding others to live their best life. We wanted to gain the perspective of a younger voice, compared to the typical individuals who have gone...

4 Ways to Improve Employee Buy In

4 Ways to Improve Employee Buy In

Change is hard to navigate. It's even more difficult to navigate for numbers of people on diverse teams in the working world. In the workplace, it's important to sustain an environment that earns buy in from the team. We have some ways to help you get all employees on...