Over 96% report being “more confident” in their future.  That’s HUGE!

Here’s a sample of what people are saying about their experience with Project OTY.

It makes you think about more than just your dreams and visions, but about all the aspects that go into making your dreams a reality.

Young Adult

It helps an individual really think about what they want to get out of life.

Management Trainee

I enjoyed how much I learned about myself.

Business, Young Professional

This is a great opportunity to imagine your future and to identify your struggles. Sometimes we don’t get enough opportunities to think to ourselves about what we want to become and what we want to achieve.

College Student, Freshman

This is a must for ALL parents raising children in today’s world of mass messaging.
Cindi W., Mother

This program is full of nuanced insights that quite simply, most people never see.
Business, Executive

It gave me the confidence to move forward in my career and personal life.
Business Team Leader

This is literally the quickest path to getting yourself and your team in a winning mindset.
Business, Program Administrator

This program helps an individual dream bigger and get honest about what holds them back.
Business, HR Professional

This will be mandatory for my two sons when they turn 16. I wish I had done this growing up.
Andy B., Father

This significantly helped us get everyone focused and feeling supported.
Business, Administrative Assistant

This helps a leadership team become better leaders.
Business, Office Manager

It was great to look at the people I can turn to for support and to see my goals written out.
Community College Student

I enjoyed being able to see all my goals laid out in one place.
Trade School Student

I enjoyed a positive space to think about the future and sort of let other things go for a few minutes every week.
College Student, Sophomore

I enjoyed thinking through the best way to live life and making a plan for the future.
Community College, Senior

I liked how I could think about my future and make a plan.
High School Junior

I enjoyed creating habits!
High School Junior

It was really cool and helpful to see my characteristics and self written out in front of me.
High School Junior

This process helps take away some of the anxiety and helps you to organize what you can do today on the path to reaching your larger goals.
College Student, Senior

This course outlines the building blocks to create and execute any vision one may have for their future.
Community College Student, Junior

It can help you figure out what you want from life and how to get there.
High School Junior

People should consider this experience, being that it’s interactive and really awesome to help you see all your goals and the things you might need to overcome to reach those goals all in one place and be able to check things off as you go.
Community College Student

I learned what kind of person I want to be.
High School Junior

It helped me realize how to achieve my goals in life.
High School Senior

It helped me organize my thoughts.
High School Junior

I would strongly recommend this to anyone looking for a strategy for how to find meaningful direction and make big things happen.

Katy Robinson, Teacher

Project OTY centers you and gives you a clear plan and steps that are unique to you.
Molly O., Mother

We’re seeing the impact throughout our entire community.
High School Principal

I feel more motivated than ever to build my success.

Business Team Leader

This inspired me to get super clear on my goals. The goals of what I want to do tomorrow, next week, and even next month.
College Student, Senior

I like how I have a visual of how I want the next 5 years of my life to look like. This helps a person gain more clarity on their life journey, get more organized, and help jumpstart their future.
High School Senior

This process helps a person motivate themselves if they are feeling stagnant.

Student, Adult Learner

It is so well organized and organic. The clear ‘Do this. Now do this.’ format is such a relief.

Executive Coach, Business

This is relevant for all ages, young and old.
Business, Professional

The process gets everyone on the same page.
Business, VP of Sales

You will be propelled to new ways of seeing what is in front of you and motivated with an efficient action plan.
Business, Team Leader

It’s a game-changer.  I wish I learned this in school.
Business, Media Relations Coordinator

This helped us further develop a winning culture.
Business, President

This will help your leadership team see new ways of achieving what’s right in front of them.
Business, Executive

It gives people purpose and confidence in looking at what’s unique with them.
Brenda S., Mother

This process introduces lots of good information you haven’t learned about before as it helps a person map out their goals and plan out their life.

Business Team Leader

I enjoyed better recognizing my strengths.  It helps an individual really think what they want to get out of life.
High School Student

I enjoyed writing down my goals and creating realistic steps to achieve them.
High School Sophomore

My favorite part was outlining my goals, getting specific and writing down my fears. I never really think through my fears or think about who can help me out of them. It was eye opening to me that with small changes I choose to make those fears can be gone.
College Student, Freshman

I enjoyed thinking about my roadmap and what I want my future to look like.
Community College Student, Freshman

The self reflection was important for me. This “roadmap” got me thinking.
High School Freshman

I think someone should consider going through this program because it helps to outline one’s interests and special characteristics. I think this is really important and helps you get to know yourself better.
High School Junior

The lessons in this course and process will teach others lots of things they haven’t learned about before.
High School Freshman

I think it can open your mind to the possibilities of your future and give you a space to change your mindset and have a more hopeful and positive outlook on life.
College Student, Freshman

It boosts your confidence and makes you more prepared for the future.
High School Senior

It’s helpful to create a plan for the future and it boosts confidence for what you can accomplish.
College Student, Sophomore

It helped me see how to deal with disappointments in life.
High School Freshman

It helped me focus on my next steps and to see what’s possible.
High School Freshman

Our graduation rates increased 8 points in two years.
High School Principal

It helps our teachers and leaders have the type of conversations they want to have with students.
District Administrator

Every young adult should be going through this experience.  It’s so relevant and spot on.  My kids got huge value from this.
Joelle H., Mom and Teacher

We’re seeing students engaged in authentic and genuine learning.
High School Principal

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